A New Year of Reading

One of my New Year's resolutions this year is to make a concerted effort to continue this blog and make regular posts throughout the year. Another resolution is to read absolutely every book on the book club list for 2009. By working both together, I hope to do far better than last year and make at least one post a month reviewing each book. Even though the list is not quite complete I am looking forward to another year's worth of stimulating, challenging and most of all blissfully enjoyable reading.

I had intended for this blog to be a resource to the book club members to supplement (not replace) our monthly meetings. Perhaps internet blogging is not everyone's thing. I am still very new to it as well. However, I hope to once again give it another shot and if nothing else keep this as my own personal online journal of the books read. As outlined last year my goals for the blog remain the same and I welcome any and all posts by those interesed in reading or being part of our book club.

2008 was a difficult year for many of us. As a book club we experienced the loss of a dear and faithful member and friend when Carla passed away suddenly in October. The empty spot left by her is now keenly felt at each meeting yet somehow her spirit still lingers among us with the love of reading that we all share and through the stories and characters we have all shared together. Her legacy will long be remembered through several lovely books donated to the library in her honor. Thank you goes out to Roxanne for organizing this project and to Julie who selected and purchased the beautiful books on Egypt. Roxanne continued to do an awesome job keeping us all on track reminding us of meeting times and keeping a book club list at the ready for those of us (like me) who are constantly misplacing our lists and wondering "what book do we read next month?" Note the updated 2009 list on the right hand column of this blog.

Happy New Year and Happy Reading in the year ahead!


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